Гочев, Гочо Вълев; Gochev, Gocho Valev
Структурно – лингвистичен подход за анализ на тримерно визуални сцени
Other Titles:
Structural - linguistic approach for analysis of three dimensional visual scenes
Date of Issue:
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Годишник на ТУ-София, Том 52, 2003, с. 145-154
триизмерни изображения – програмиране – методи на изследване
Innovative method and algorithm for analysis and decomposition of three dimensional (3D) visual scenes is considered in the paper. The method is based on the topology of the vertices (topological features) of the three dimensional bodies. The biggest weights are assigned to the features located on the border contours with the background. In this way the strategy and priority of tracing and analysing the contours are defined. First the contour lines that are borders with the background, are analysed. then the lines connected with them and so on. The analysis is implemented using the phrase-structural description. Examples for decomposition of 3D visual scene are also discussed.
Гочев, Гочо Вълев. Структурно – лингвистичен подход за анализ на тримерно визуални сцени / Рец. Агоп Хачикян. (Информатика, Комуникации). // Том 52, 2003, с. 145-154 : със сх., формули.