Tsankova, Rumyana Strashimirova
Моделиране на данните в корпоративни бази от данни за дискретното производство
Other Titles:
Data modelling in corporative databases for the discrete production
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Годишник на ТУ - София, Том 52, 2003, с. 131-143
0374-342Х [issn]
бази данни – управление – моделиране; бази данни – управление – моделиране
The objects in the discrete production have a complicated structure with hierarchy, network and recursive elements and its corporative management needs progressive information technologies as multidimensional analysis (OLAP), information aggregation and synthesis. New and suitable for the structure and functionality of the discrete production data models are proposed in this article. Six basic structural operations for management functions of the discrete production system are systemized and applied. They are a base for interface from operative relational to multidimensional Database.; The objects in the discrete production have a complicated structure with hierarchy, network and recursive elements and its corporative management needs progressive information technologies as multidimensional analysis (OLAP), information aggregation and synthesis. New and suitable for the structure and functionality of the discrete production data models are proposed in this article. Six basic structural operations for management functions of the discrete production system are systemized and applied. They are a base for interface from operative relational to multidimensional Database.
Цанкова, Румяна Страшимирова. Моделиране на данните в корпоративни бази от данни за дискретното производство / Рец. Иван Панков. (Информатика, Комуникации). // Том 52, 2003, с. 131-143 : със сх., черт., табл.; Цанкова, Румяна Страшимирова. Моделиране на данните в корпоративни бази от данни за дискретното производство / Рец. Иван Панков. (Информатика, Комуникации). // Том 52, 2003, с. 131-143 : със сх., черт., табл.