Title:Оценка на качеството на млечни продукти посредством анализ на визуални изображения и на спектрални характеристики
Author:Василев, Мирослав; Vasilev, MiroslavDate:2018Abstract:Ensuring high-quality dairy products as well as the creation of automated systems and technologies with reduced energy costs is one of the European Union's priority policies. It has been reflected in a number of national and international standards and normative documents, European programs, directives and decisions. They cover the overall ...Library:
Тракийски университет - Стара Загора
Title:Изследване и проектиране на технологичните процеси за прибиране на пшеница в растениевъдството
Author:Драгоев, Драгомир; Dragoev, DragomirDate:2018Abstract:With the existing wheat harvesting technologies, the use of wheat harvesting machines is complex: grain harvesters and conveyors, which has a significant effect on the efficiency of the harvesting of wheat. In this regard, issues related to the optimization of the number of vehicles serving grain harvesters in cereal harvesting, taking into ...Library: