Title:Slatter's fundamentals of veterinary ophthalmology
Author:Maggs, David; Miller, Paul; Ofri, RonDate:2008Abstract:Recognize, diagnose, and manage a vast range of common and important ocular conditions with the latest edition of this trusted reference. Extensively revised and updated by a team of internationally respected contributors, this edition provides a comprehensive, yet practically oriented, diagnostic guide to ophthalmic disease, covering ...Library:
Тракийски университет - Стара Загора
Title:Veterinary Forensics: Animal Cruelty Investigations
Date:2007Abstract:Animal cruelty has been closely linked to domestic violence, and this has led to growing calls from the medical and legal communities for mandatory reporting of animal abuse. However, very few veterinarians and pathologists have been formally trained on the medical and legal aspects of animal cruelty cases. Veterinary Forensics: Animal ...Library:
Тракийски университет - Стара Загора
Title::Veterinary Toxicology: Basic and Clinical Principles
Date:2007Abstract:''Veterinary Toxicology'' is a unique single reference that teaches the basic principles of veterinary toxicology to any student at the DVM, MS or PhD level and will continue to serve as a clinical reference for practicing veterinary toxicologists, poison control centers, marine biologists, environmentalists, and animal scientists. While ...Library:
Title:Animals and the Shaping of Modern Medicine
Author:Woods, Abigail; Bresalier, Michael; Cassidy, Angela; Dentinger, RachelDate:2018Abstract:Ranging across the animal inhabitants of BritainТs zoos, sick sheep on Scottish farms, unproductive livestock in developing countries, and the tapeworms of California and Beirut, they illuminate the multi-species dimensions of modern medicine and its rich historical connections with biology, zoology, agriculture and veterinary medicine. The ...Library:
Тракийски университет - Стара Загора
Title:Tackling antimicrobial use and resistance in dairy cattle
Date:2020Abstract:This publication describes the long-term efforts of the Swedish dairy sector to keep animals healthy, thereby putting Swedish dairy farms at the top with regards to low use of antibiotics combined with high productivity. The Swedish success story rests on strong partnerships among farmer organizations, veterinary services, academia, and ...Library:
Тракийски университет - Стара Загора
Title:Veterinary bacterial zoonoses
Date:2018Abstract:The zoonotic impact of a disease could be determined by studying the correlation between their common existence between animals and humans. High throughput serological tests have been established to conduct rapid and accurate mass testing of a population but these only provide estimates of the herd status without informing on the Brucella ...Library:
Тракийски университет - Стара Загора
Title:One Health and Zoonoses
Date:2019Abstract:The emergence of global avian influenza highlighted the value of a multisectoral, multidisciplinary approach, with the significant risks to humans being managed through effective interventions in poultry and in understanding of the role of wild birds as reservoir species. This required collaboration across very distinct sectors of agriculture, ...Library:
Тракийски университет - Стара Загора
Title:Equine neck and back pathology: diagnosis and treatment
Date:2018Abstract:The only book devoted to the conditions and problems of the equine neck, back and pelvis, it provides comprehensive coverage by international specialists on how to diagnose and treat problems in these areas. This updated and revised edition covers normal anatomy and kinematics, neck and back pathology, diagnosis and treatment of specific ...Library:
Тракийски университет - Стара Загора
Title:Essentials in clinical anatomy of the equine locomotor system
Author:Denoix, Jean-MarieDate:2019Abstract:Essentials of Clinical Anatomy of the Equine Locomotor System presents a unique photographic record of dissections showing the topographical anatomy of the locomotor system of the horse. Readers of this book will be able to see the position and relationships of the bones, joints, muscles, nerves and blood vessels that make up each region ...Library:
Тракийски университет - Стара Загора
Title:Equine anesthesia: monitoring and emergency therapy
Author:Muir, William; Hubbell, JohnDate:2009Abstract:All veterinary team members involved in the everyday care of horses that require anesthesia or special emergency care will benefit from this reliable and inclusive resource. This text provides all of the information needed to prepare, conduct, and monitor the administration of drugs in order to produce safe and effective anesthesia, treat ...Library:
Title:Псевдочума по кокошките: хуморален имунитет, клетъчен имунитет, специфична профилактика
Author:Съртмаджиев, КръстюDate:2004Abstract:Настоящата монография е посветена на някои актуални проблеми свързани с имунитета у кокошките, отглеждани при промишлени условия, с оглед прилагане на по-ефективни профилактични мерки срещу псевдочумната инфекция. В нея освен литературни данни за извършени изследвания в чужбина и в нашата страна, се съдържат и конкретни експериментални ...Library:
Тракийски университет - Стара Загора
Title:Хеморагична треска с бъбречен синдром и Кримска-Конго хеморагична треска в България
Author:Пишмишева, Мария; Христова, Ива; Ватев, НиколайDate:2018Abstract:В България са разпространени две вирусни хеморагични трески: Кримска-Конго хеморагична треска и Хеморагична треска с бъбречен синдром. Първите съобщения за тях в страната са още от 50-те години на XX век, скоро след дефинирането им в света като специфични инфекциозни заболявания.
Вирусните хеморагични трески са остри природно-огнищни ...Library:
Title:Болести по птиците и птичия ембрион
Author:Маркарян, МарчелDate:1998Abstract:Книгата съдържа най-новото относно болестите по птиците и птичия ембрион, поднесено в оригинална форма, най-близка до лекарското диагностично мислене. В този смисъл тя няма аналог в специалната българска и чуждестранна литература. Освен болестите в нея са описани анатомо-физиологичните особености на птиците и птичия ембрион, начините за ...Library:
Тракийски университет - Стара Загора
Title:Адаптация и стрес при селскостопанските животни
Author:Маджаров, ИванDate:1980Abstract:Научно-техническата революция промени в много отношения традиционните представи за отглеждането на животните. Промишленото животновъдство постави животните при нови условия, твърде различни от условията, към конто те са се приспособили в процеса на една дълга еволюция. Нараснаха изискванията, които предявява към тях съвременният човек, и ...Library: