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Techniques and technologies. Department of foreign language teaching and applied linguistics = Техники и технологии. Департамент за чуждоезиково обучение и приложна лингвистика (ДЧЕОПЛ): Recent submissions
Title:За някои аспекти на смесеното чуждоезиково обучение
Author:Славова, Весела; Slavova, VesselaDate:2021Abstract:This study is focused on some aspects of blended foreign language teaching as a new educational model. It is related to the widespread implementation of distance learning during 2020 pandemic. Blended foreign language teaching is therefore the most chosen educational context. Many aspects of this “blended” educational practice have been ...Library:
Title:Техника на бавното аеробно бягане в заниманията по спорт на студенти
Author:Борисова, Мая; Borisova, MayaDate:2021Abstract:The study presents a detailed description of the technique of aerobic slow running for sports activities for students. The efficiency criterion is the speed of movement, and the cretirion for expedience is considered the ability to run a longer distance at the initial speed.Library:
Title:Ролята на функцията за определяне вида на специализирания текст
Author:Василева, Силвия; Vasileva, SilviyaDate:2021Abstract:The article discusses the concepts of „text function” and „specialized text” in the economic field according to various classifications. Attention is paid to the horizontal and vertical stylistic layering of the text. Using the descriptive, instructive, and the directive functions the corresponding specialized texts in German are listed.Library:
Title:Education 2020 The emergency transition
Author:Момчилова, Мария; Momchilova, MariaDate:2021Abstract:There are certain issues to be considered prior to evaluating the feasibility of remote learning implementation. The present paper reviews just three of them – lasting anxiety and pressure, drop down of motivation, inability to follow through with the intended learning outcomes which, based on personal experience, are believed to be of ...Library:
Title:Прогнози и догадки за ролята на дигиталните технологии в обучението и образованието – от зората на компютъра до дигиталната епоха
Author:Пеев, Ивайло Иванов; Peev, Ivaylo IvanovDate:2021Abstract:The topic of the article was brought about by the place of technical devices and Internet in contemporary foreign language teaching, going back and observing predictions from the past about the place of the computer in the learning process, within the texts of methodologists and linguists of 20 years ago. Noteable are the initial attempts ...Library: