Заглавие:Формиране на механичните характеристики на асинхронен двигател в режим на ондензаторно спиране
Автор:Hristov, Vladimir Dimitrova; Райнов, Румен Иванов; Rainov, Rumen Ivanov; Христов, Владимир ДимитровДата:2004Резюме:A method for forming of the type of mechanical characteristics of condenser stoppage mode is proposed, through changing the process of stopping the switched of condensers. The necessity of such forming of the characteristics and the use of it is shown. A method for assignment the law of variation in the capacity of switched on condensers ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Размито управление на концентрацията на органични замърсители при биологично пречистване на отпадни води
Автор:Йорданова, Снежана Тодорова; Yordanova, Snejana TodorovaДата:2004Резюме:The wastewater treatment of organic waste in biobasins with activated sludge is a complex aerobic biotechnological process, characterized by uncertainty and nonlinearities. In the present work a fuzzy control of the organic waste concentration in the effluent flow is designed using expert information and Matlab. The control system with the ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Изравняване на товарите в многовалово подемно устройство за спускане на кораби на вода
Автор:Билдирев, Жеко СъбевДата:2004Резюме:A multi-axe lifting device for ships, working at the Shipyard-Rousse is treated The character of loading of the 12 motors has been analysed Two ways of reducing of the load equalising are discussed A computer simulation verifies the made suggestions.Библиотека:
Заглавие:Индиректно измерване на момента на вала при асинхронни електрозадвижвания
Автор:Билдирев, Жеко Събев; Попов, Людмил ДимитровДата:2004Резюме:A method for definition of the torque in an induction motor drive without any torque or velocity transducers is described. An original approach, founded on the relation between the power and the power factor has been used.Библиотека:
Заглавие:Статистически анализ на функционални изображения с магнитен резонанс
Автор:Иванова, Полина Стоева; Венков, Пенчо Георгиев; Ivanova, Polina Stoeva; Venkov, Pencho GeorgievДата:2004Резюме:The paper describes a statistical method for localization of the brain
activity, based on the hypothesis that functional images of magnetic resonance (WO
contain an useful but noisy information for the excitation area in the brain. The aim of this
analysis is to construct an allocation map, describing the zones of neuronal activity, ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Принципи за регистриране и обработка на функционални изображения на мозъка с магнитен резонанс
Автор:Иванова, Полина Стоева; Ivanova, Polina StoevaДата:2004Резюме:One of the prominent applications of information technologies is the research of the human brain. They allow receiving maps of the brain activities, related with different human functions and operation such as vision, hearing, motions etc. The principle of the magnetic resonance is used to receive functional images of the brain (fMRI) at ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Приложение на комплесно уейвлет преобразувание за QRS детекция в ЕКГ сигнали
Автор:Джонев, Владимир Любомиров; Dzhonev, Vladimir LyubomirovДата:2004Резюме:This article focuses on the application of the complex continuous wavelet transform to the problem of automatic QRS detection in electrocardiograms. A QRS detection methodology with use of the wavelet transform modulus is described. The metodology is verified against the standard annotated MIT-21H Arrhythmia database. The percentage of the ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Aerobic treatment of manure : Part 2. Modelling and optimization
Автор:Georgiev, Canko Petrov; Ratkov, Alexandăr Borisov; Георгиев, Цанко Петров; Ратков, Александър БорисовДата:2004Резюме:Fed - batch fermentation process is used as an integrated approach for solving an ecological problem caused by manure. The same process may be applied for efficient production of L-lysine. This article deals with mentioned approach in two parts. Part one presents a statistical data analysis, which includes following main steps: .experimental ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Успехи в биосензорната техника
Автор:Нейков, Александър Нейков; Neykov, Aleksandar; Енчева, Емилия; Соколов, Сокол; Sokolov, Sokol; Encheva, EmiliyaДата:2004Резюме:This paper is a review about biosensor development in Faculty of Automation, Technical Univesity — Sofia. The general ideas and main biosensor achievments are briefly presented. Mathematical modeling and digital simulation, development of new biosensor variantsand decision of some technological, optimization, metrological and diagnostic ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Aerobic treatment of manure : Part 1. Data analysis
Автор:Georgiev, Canko Petrov; Ratkov, Alexandăr Borisov; Георгиев, Цанко Петров; Ратков, Александър БорисовДата:2004Резюме:Fed - batch fermentation process is used as an integrated approach for solving an ecological problem caused by manure. The same process may be applied for efficient production of L-lysine. This article deals with mentioned approach in two parts. Part one presents a statistical data analysis, which includes following main steps: experimental ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Биомеханичен анализ на двукраката локомоция с отчитане на някои външни сили
Автор:Драгнев, Кънчо Божанов; Dragnev, Kancho BozhanovДата:2004Резюме:The biornechanical and kinematical analyses give some priority in two-legged locomotion aspects in comparison with the static -oriented (with more than two legs). In technical literature kinematical models with large variety of abstraction and simplification are known, static and dynamic models are also used. There are anthropomorphic and ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Приложение на контролери с неврологична структура при проектирането на биоморфни роботи
Автор:Николов, Валентин Николов; Балавесов, Васил Антонов; Nikolov, Valentin Nikolov; Balavesov, Vasil AntonovДата:2004Резюме:In this paper, an approach to control of mobile robots is proposed, and its realization is demonstrated on a particular walking robot. The principles for the control de-velopments are borrowed from the living nature. The utilization of such principles that are due to a million years of evolution gives the designers opportunities for creating ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Планиране на пътища за пълно покритие при навигация на мобилни роботи чрез разширение на метода за трансформация на разстоянията
Автор:Димитров, Димитър Петков; Илиева, Невена Здравкова; Dimitrov, Dimitar Petkov; Ilieva, Nevena ZdravkovaДата:2004Резюме:Coverage path planning determines a path that guarantees that a robot will pass over all unoccupied areas in the specified environments. Commercial applications include autonomous vacuum cleaning, bridge inspection, mine detecting etc. Finding the optimal coverage path is NP-hard problem. Distance Transform Method (DTM2) is recognized as a ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Програмно осигуряване на система за техническо зрение за следене на мобилни обекти
Автор:Делийски, Радослав Цветков; Венков, Пенчо Георгиев; Deliyski, Radoslav Tsvetkov; v, Pencho GeorgievДата:2004Резюме:The paper describes the software module "Image Analizator", which determines the distance and location between guiding and unmanned folowing vehicles in TV camera's frame time. Problems associated with processing, analyzing and recognition of targes in color image are soIved, as well as measurement of geometric parameters, which described ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Алгоритми и програмно осигуряване за обработка на цветни изображения в реално време
Автор:Венков, Пенчо Георгиев; Делийски, Радослав Цветков; Иванов, Славян; Venkov, Pencho Georgiev; Deliyska, Radoslav Tsvetkov; Ivanov, SlavyanДата:2004Резюме:The paper describes algorithms and software for color detection and analysis of patterns in TV camera frame time. The color components are normalized with the purpose to eliminate the influence of scene's illumination. In the first algorithm 32 base colors are defined into the 3D color space by pairs of thresholds and combined logical ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Виртуално окачване на автономни транспротни средства
Автор:Венков, Пенчо Георгиев; Venkov, Pencho GeorgievДата:2004Резюме:This paper describes a system for virtual attachment of autonomous vehicles.. The system is aimed to guide one or more unmanned vehicles — followers without a mechanical attachment to the guiding vehicle. A multisensors system, mounted on the follower vehicle, is used to measure the linear and the angular velocity of the guiding vehicle, ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Изграждане на уеб – базиран мултимедиен курс по дисциплината „Телеуправляеми роботи“
Автор:Караминчева, Теодора Харалампиева; Аврамов, Иван Иванов; Karaminchev, Teodora Haralampieva; Avramov, Ivan IvanovДата:2004Резюме:The course's purpose is students to gain knowledges in "Telerobotics". The first version of this multimedia course is applied as assistance by the educational subject. The creation of site is applied for this case. Web-based education is used as a virtual educational environment It is helpful for the education, because it provides very good ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Моделиране и управление на робот във виртуална лаборатория чрез интернет
Автор:Цветанов, Симеон; Стоилов, Тодор; Tsvetanov, Simeon; Stoilov, TodorДата:2004Резюме:The paper presents the design and exploitation issue of experimental laboratory for monitoring and control of robot model. The laboratory is available over the Internet. This approach allows-r_fmote users to obtain access to the distributed software resources for control. The robiirModel is controlled to move video camera for exploration ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Моделиране на пасивно – динамично крачене
Автор:Трифонов, Калин Бойков; Заманов, Владимир Божилов; Trifonov, Kalin Boykov; Zamanov, Vladimir BozhilovДата:2004Резюме:The goal of this report is to present the passive — dynamic walking as a method for gait control in biped walkng of humanoid robots. A general and effective model of passive — dynamic walking is presented. Modeling with the environment for simulating articulated rigid body dynamics "Open Dynamics Engine -- ODE* is proposed, as well as visual ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Хуманоидни роботи
Автор:Трифонов, Калин Бойков; Заманов, Владимир БожиловДата:2004Резюме:A review of the research in the area oh humanoid robots is presented in this report with the accent lying on biped walking. The research is systemized by the following directions: - arm control - walking pattern generation - passive — dynamic walking - learning. Special attention is concentrated on the passive — dynamic method for gait control.Библиотека: