Заглавие:Влияние на вътрешното триене върху параметричните трептения на една механична система със зъбни колела
Автор:Белниколовски, Борис Гергов; Belnikolovski, Boris Gerov; Симеонова, Дешка Митева; Simeonova, Deshka Miteva; Чешанков, Божидар рец.Дата:2001Резюме:In this work the influence of the internal friction on the parametric vibrations of a mechanical system with gear wheels is studied in the neighborhood of the first and second parametric resonance. Considerations of the internal friction of the system results not only in quantitative but in qualitative new result especially in the neighborhood ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Оптимален динамичен синтез на машинен агрегат с двустъпална зъбна предавка
Автор:Белниколовски, Борис Гергов; Belnikolovski, Boris Gerov; Писарев, Алекси рец.Дата:2001Резюме:The optimal values for the physical parameters of a machine aggregate with two stage spur gears are determined. The optimal values give the mini-mum dynamic factors in all parts of the aggregate. The dynamic load factors are found by modeling the machine aggregate as a 12-degree of freedom vibration system. The optimization is carried out ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Самовъзбуждащи се трептения в една механична система с бавноизменящи се параметри
Автор:Белниколовски, Борис Гергов; Симеонова, Дешка Митева; Belnikolovski, Boris Gerov; Simeonova, Deshka MitevaДата:2001Резюме:In this work the self-exciting vibrations of one mechanical system which represses the dynamic model of the feeding translator of metal-cutting machine are studied. The varying length of the feeding screw is taken into account while building the dynamic model. From this study it is established that consideration of the varying length of the ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Разпознаване на фонеми чрез разпределена невронна мрежа
Автор:Момчеджиков, Михаил Благоев; Momchedzhikov, Mihail Blagoev; Попов, Румен Николаев; Popov, Rumen Nikolaev; Кунчев, Румен Кирилов рец.Дата:2001Резюме:In this paper is described the possibility of using distributed neural network in phonem recognition. An experimental system for vowels recogniton is described with the purpose of showing the advantages of the distributed network against the standard multilayer neural network. Some preprocessing techniques of the spectrum are examined, which ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Оптимизация на структурата на многослойна невронна мрежа при разпознаване на говорни сигнали
Автор:Момчеджиков, Михаил Благоев; Momchedzhikov, Mihail Blagoev; Попов, Румен Николаев; Popov, Rumen Nikolaev; Кунчев, Румен Кирилов рец.Дата:2001Резюме:In the paper are reviewed the disadvantages of a multi-layer neural network and possible ways of optimization of its structure with the purpose of eliminating the disadvantages. A distributed neural network is introduced, describing its structure and showing the advantages and disadvantages of such network compared to a standard multi-layer ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Някои особености при проектирането на микрофонни решетки
Автор:Никифоров, Александър Никифорович; Момчеджиков, Михаил Благоев; Кунчев, Румен Кирилов рец.; Nikiforov, Alexandar Nikiforovich; Momchedzhikov, Mihail BlagoevДата:2001Резюме:In the article is made a survey of methods for designing Microphone arreas. Some of algorithms for sound location with Microphone arreas are presented.Библиотека:
Заглавие:Децимация на троични псевдослучайни последователности
Автор:Илиев, Илия Георгиев; Iliev, Iliya Georgiev; Момчеджиков, Михаил Благоев рец.Дата:2001Резюме:A pseudorandom ternary sequences, generated with polynomial over GF( 3n ) for n odd, and having perfect and almost perfect periodic auto-correlation characteristics are discussed. In this work decimation property is proved. If a sequence is decimated with number q, and greates common div-sor of sequence period N and q is (N,q)= I or (N,q)=2, ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Синтез на кодове с ограничена дължина на прехода
Автор:Илиев, Илия Георгиев; Момчеджиков, Михаил Благоев; Кунчев, Румен Кирилов рец.; Iliev, Iliya Georgiev; Momchedzhikov, Mihail BlagoevДата:2001Резюме:The coding methods based on runlength-limited sequences have played a key role for increasing the qualities and storage capacity of magnetic and optical disks or types. A synthesis algorithm of runlength-limited codes with fixed-length output code words is discussed. The synthesis on theory of finite-state machine is based. Equations for ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:A structural - linguistic method for object presentation in the geographic information systems
Автор:Gochev, Gocho Valev; Scherer, Rudolf; Lazarova, Milena; Hachikyan, Agop; Кунчев, Румен Кирилов рец.; Гочев, Гочо Вълев; Шерер, Рудолф; Лазарова, Милена; Хачикян, АгопДата:2001Резюме:A phrasal-structural language is proposed for description of geographic objects. The point and arc features, which are utilized in the Geographic Information Systems (GIS), form a terminal dictionary of the grammar used for the description. The elements of a non-terminal dictionary determine the topology and structure of the objects. A ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Multi channel contact resistance measurement equipment for telecommunication connectors
Автор:Ivanov, Racho Marinov; Kerezov, Alexandar Stefanov; Иванов, Рачо Маринов; Керезов, Александър Стефанов; Михов, Георги Славчев рец.Дата:2001Резюме:The time necessary for the 100% quality check of the telecom-munication connectors produced in BTK-Borima Ltd., Bulgaria, using stan-dard equipment is longer than the production cycle of the unit. That's why a dedicated multichannel computer controlled miliOhm measurement system was designed that is capable to the measure the contact ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Algorithms for decoding quadrature encoded pulses
Автор:Ivanov, Racho Marinov; Иванов, Рачо Маринов; Керезов, Александър Стефанов; Kerezov, Alexandar Stefanov; Лесичков, Иван Благоев; Lesichkov, Ivan Blagoev; Михов, Георги Славчев рец.Дата:2001Резюме:This paper presents some algorithms for decoding Quadrature En-coded Pulses (QEP). It discusses advantages and disadvantages, of each algorithm. Some basic principles of QEP and characteristic parameters of optical sensors, which generate QEP, are also described. In addition, some programs written in C and testing vectors are shown. Details ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Управляеми генератори с негатрони
Автор:Оскар, Хуго Морис; Мартинов, Павел рец.Дата:2001Резюме:This paper presents new approaches for creating a Impulse Generators on the base of negations. The function of the circuit is discussed in details and the basic operation mode is analysed. The circuit can be used as a standalone device as well as a component of more complex devices for information processing.Библиотека:
Заглавие:Цифрови схеми с таймери
Автор:Оскар, Хуго Морис; Мартинов, Павел рец.Дата:2001Резюме:Some new possibilities for creating digital circuits based on the timer 555 has been described. The most used circuits as invertor, repeater, logical AND and NAND are involved. They can be used for control of variety of devices such as: thyristors, light diodes, timing circuits, pulse transformers and so on.Библиотека:
Заглавие:Върхови детектори
Автор:Оскар, Хуго Морис; Oscar, Hugo Moris; Тодоров, Асен Марков рец.Дата:2001Резюме:In the article are discussed the methodological and the schemotechnic's characteristics of different types top detectors based of diodes, operational amplifiers, comparators and digital-analog converters. The main working states are described and the specific exigencies for the elements are elucidated.Библиотека:
Заглавие:Функционални устройства за обработка на информацията с умножители
Автор:Оскар, Хуго Морис; Oscar, Hugo Moris; Тодоров, Асен Марков рец.Дата:2001Резюме:The paper describes some approaches to design of contemporary functional devices for information processing using analog multipliers. The most often used circuits of typical functional devices are being analyzed like those used for mathematical operators power, division, square root, calculation of average quadratic value, dynamic signal ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Пакет програми, поддържащ възможности за създаване на менюта в графичен и текстови режим
Автор:Николов, Венцислав Стоянов; Nikolov, Ventsislav Stoyanov; Пейчев, И; Peychev, Ivan Dimitrov; Венков, Ганчо Йорданов; Venkov, Gancho Yordanov; Христов, Николай Димов рец.Дата:2001Резюме:The subject of discussion in the paper is organization of modern menu dialog system, function and procedures supporting it. This module is based on the module for creating and manipulating text windows and inter-change of information between them. The possibility to define functional but-tons and context oriented help system is discussed, ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Осигуряване на работата на ЦАП/АЦП [Цифрово-аналогови преобразователи/Аналогово-цифрови преобразователи] в режим на реално време
Автор:Николов, Венцислав Стоянов; Пейчев, Иван Димитров; Peychev, Ivan Dimitrov; Венков, Ганчо рец.; Христов, Николай Димов; Nikolov, Ventsislav Stoyanov; Hristov, Nikolay DimovДата:2001Резюме:The object of discussion is the architechture and configuration of the program system supporting real time work of the standart ADC/DAC IBM compatible plate. The system has modules of two types: modules sup-porting registration, conversion and storage the information on the analog inputs of the convertor and modules for creating user's ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Outer bounds on the eingenvalues of interval matrices – the complex eingenvalues case
Автор:Kolev, Ljubomir Varadinov; Колев, Любомир Варадинов; Filipova-Petrakieva, Simona Kirilova; Филипова-Петракиева, Симона Кирилова; Владов, Симеон Стоянов рец.Дата:2001Резюме:Stability analysis of linear circuits and systems under interval parameters uncertainties can be equated to estimating the eigenvalues of interval matrices. In this paper, the problem of determining outer bounds on the ranges of the eigenvalues of interval matrices with complex eigenvalues, is considered. A method for computing such bounds ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Анализ на системи с режекторни регулатори при акустичен шум в регулиращите органи
Автор:Николов, Емил Костов; Nikolov, Emil Kostov; Сапунджиев, Георги Нешев рец.Дата:2001Резюме:The characteristics of control systems with controller-rejectors under acoustic noise in the control valves are modeled, simulated and robust analyzed. The stability, robust stability, sensitivity, dynamic precision and energy losses in this systems class are examined. Their performance is com-pared with the performance of the classical ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Режекторни регулатори от непълен ред, поглъщащи смущенията
Автор:Николов, Емил Костов; Nikolov, Emil Kostov; Сапунджиев, Георги Нешев рец.Дата:2001Резюме:A possibilities for creating a new class controller-rejectors with integration and differentiation of non integer order absorbing disturbances, guaranteeing a high precision; robust stability; and robust performance in the control systems under uncertainty, are examined. Their characteristics and realisations are analysed.Библиотека: