Заглавие:Приближено представяне на сечението на цилиндрични повърхнини
Автор:Горанов, Петър ВикторовДата:1995Резюме:The section of cylindrical surface with parallel to coordinates axes is discussed. An approximation is offered for the section projection by ellipses. In this way compute duration cut down in comparison with existing algorithms. Results, which was reached, come in useful for graphics systems take aim at automation in design.Библиотека:
Заглавие:Собствени трептения на еластична опора с периодична структура
Автор:Узунов, Антонин Д.; Uzunov, Antonin D.Дата:1995Резюме:A solution to the problem of natural frequencies of a flexible bearing support is given in this paper. The solution obtained is based on a dynamic model with periodic distribution of the mass. The complex amplitude method is used to solve Lagrange equations which govern the radial motion of the flexible journal support. The model presented ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Аналогов модел за изпитване на червячни предавки на задиране
Автор:Венков, Венко; Venkov, Venko; Георгиев, Емил Георгиев; Georgiev, Emil GeorgievДата:1995Резюме:It is invent an analogous model with roller and disk by which are imitated the processes in standard order of warm-gears along BUS (Bulgarian Goverment Standard) .M' 15764-1983. The offered Model is prepared on a basis the contact line of flaying in the system warm-gear — warm-gear toothed wheel, distribution of the speed of slippery along ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Някои конструктивни и трибологични проблеми при подаващо устройство за електродна тел
Автор:Захариев, Крум Самуилов; Zahariev, Krum SamuilovДата:1995Резюме:This article deals with geometrical and force relationship analysis of a wire-handling welding device. Dimensions of the rolls are given, and are based on properly formed functional conditions. The same, way forces between compressive and driving rolls are also given. Limit force values are put according to strength and functional conditions.Библиотека:
Заглавие:Влияние на деформациите върху силовата картина при групово винтово съединение
Автор:Захариев, Крум Самуилов; Захариев, Богдан Крумов; Zahariev, Bogdan Krumov; Zahariev, Krum SamuilovДата:1995Резюме:This paper deals with bolt deformation influence on load distribution in a mulibolt fastener joint. The finite-element method is used to solve the problem. In addition, the load distribution values in a triple—bolt fastener joint is given to show the deviations from the theoretical values. Improvement coefficients are also given.Библиотека:
Заглавие:Изследване структурата на измервателния процес
Автор:Троянов, Божан Панайотов; Troyanov, Bozhan PanayotovДата:1995Резюме:In this report it is assumed a division of the measurement process in mutually connected procedures, the structure of which is examined on level operation in the conditions of differentiation of magnitude and value. A suitable normalization of measurement is suggested, through introducing a base equation, solved in the real and formal domain. ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Многослоен достъп и визуализация на данни за елементи на формата при интерактивно изграждане на детайл
Автор:Вичева, Милка Дончева; Vicheva, Milka DonchevaДата:1995Резюме:Three levels — constructive, geometric and graphic, of object description for automated documentation are presented. Al the constructive level a review, definition or characteristic variation coming functionality are realized. At the geometric one only geometric properties which create the object views are described. At the graphic level ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Общ модел на технически обект
Автор:Лепаров, Михаил Николов; Leparov, Mihail NikolovДата:1995Резюме:A grafmodel of any technical object is suggested in the paper after the analysis of the main stages of the life cycle of the objects. The main tasks of these stages can be solve with suggested model. The tasks of design, initial conditions concerning assembly tools, simulation and diagnostics are accentuated. The results of the work can be ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Структура данни за описание на изделие
Автор:Иванов, Станислав Асенов; Ivanov, Stsnislav AsenovДата:1995Резюме:The abstract structural description of composed 'objects is usually based on graphs. A unified description of the structure elements and their relations is proposed in this paper, convenient for representation of binary and higher order relations as well. The information charge of the proposed description is discussed referring to problems ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Проблеми на приложението и развитието на системите за размерен анализ на сглобени единици
Автор:Стоев, Атанас Стоев; Stoev, Atanas Stoev; Иванов, Станислав Асенов; Ivanov, Stsnislav AsenovДата:1995Резюме:The practice of Fundamentals of Design Dept. in elaboration, development and application of precision analysis systems is discussed in this paper. The base principles for dimensional structure modelling of assemblies are exposed The latest version of "Complex system for precision dimension automation" is briefly described. Conclusions about ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Комплексен подход за осигуряване геометричната точност на механични изделия на етапа „техническа подготовка на производството“
Автор:Стоев, Атанас Стоев; Stoev, Atanas StoevДата:1995Резюме:In the paper was revealed a complex approach of dealing with the process of technical preparing of the manufacturing. It was offered the stages of that process related to the geometric precision to be embraced in an overall data(knowledge) base system, called dimensional analysis system. In the paper were shown some problems and prospective ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Исквания относно реализиране параметрите на виброударни изпитвателни машини
Автор:Георгиев, Милчо Тодоров; Georgiev, Milcho TodorovДата:1995Резюме:The standardisation requirements for technical parameter's realisation of vibro-shock testing machines are treated in this paper. The necessary conditions for this purpose are: from one side — technical parameter's achievement of the shock impact and from other side — antivibration mounting of the testing machine with minimal disturbance ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Относно автоматизираното съставяне на изчислителна записка при компютърно моделиране на нормално структурирана сглобена единица
Автор:Георгиев, Милчо Тодоров; Georgiev, MilchoTodorov; Кочев, Лъчезар Любомиров; Kochev, Lachezar Lyubomirov; Теофилова, Маруся Антонова; Teofilova, Marusya AntonovaДата:1995Резюме:In the paper have been analysed the main component elements for calculation report of strength, cinematic, dynamic and tribology analysis in computer modelling of I-nt level normal structured assembly unit and the relation to the set of functional dimensions. Has been established the algorithm for the automatic formulation of calculation ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Основни съображения при формирането на функционални комплекти (ФК) за нуждите на автоматизираното документиране и подпомагане на проектанско – конструктурската дейност
Автор:Туджаров, Борис Неделчев; Tudzharov, Boris Nedelchev; Кочев, Лъчезар Любомиров; Kochev, Lachezar Lyubomirov; Теофилова, Маруся Антонова; Teofilova, Marusya AntonovaДата:1995Резюме:Paper subject is the development of approach for decryption of the functional structure of assembly unit (AU), consisting in: — analysis of the possibilities for making AU description using FS; -- analysis of the main points in cataloging of the basic composition of FS and suggestion about its restoring and working up.Библиотека:
Заглавие:Структуриране на информацията за автоматизиране функционално – стойностния анализ (ФСА) на изделие
Автор:Ганева, Нели Иванова; Туджаров, Борис Неделчев; Ganeva, Neli Ivanova; Tudzharov, Boris NedelchevДата:1995Резюме:The present work will be the base for the development of a program system destinated to the value analysis automatization. One or more experts may participate dependant on the needs, possibilities and estimation of the specialists. The object used in the value analysis are specified. The information representation of the object description ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Зависимости между размерните мрежи с позиционни обемни допуски и с допуски на размерите
Автор:Николова, Ирена; Сандалски, Бранимир Пенков; Ганева, Нели Иванова; Nikolova, Irena; Sandalski, Branimir Penkov; Ganeva, Neli IvanovaДата:1995Резюме:Traditional accuracy dimensioning — with dimension tolerances is used in practice nowadays. Dimension-accuracy analysis of machine assemblies and pieces by PTT approach (with position tridimensional tolerances) turns out to be with many advantages which assures greater precision and higher quality of the problem solution. Accuracy dimensioning ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Рационално точностно осигуряване на монтажни параметри “съвпадане“ чрез сборни вериги ПОД [повърхнинни обемни допуски]
Автор:Сандалски, Бранимир Пенков; Sandalski, Branimir PenkovДата:1995Резюме:The modern requirements to the machine design lead to much deeper elaboration and improvement of the spatial dimensions precision analysis of the designed machines and equipment. The characteristics of the spatial assembly parameters that define the quality of the machines are reviewed in this article. The two types of assembly parameters ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Геометрия, динамика и товароносимост на височинно модифицирани еволвентни зъбни предавки
Автор:Димчев, Георги Николов; Dimchev, Geno Nikolov; Джамбов, Йордан Вълчинов; Dzhambov, Jordan ValchinovДата:1995Резюме:The influence of the upward modified teeth of evolvent gears on the geometric, dynamic and strength characteristics are investigated. The variation of these characteristics with deerent values of upward modification of the teeth is clarified using computer simulations and a suggestion for the optimum modification of the height of the tooth ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Безразрушителен контрол на контактното налягане в пресови съединения от тяговия подвижен железопътен състав
Автор:Коларов, Иван; Миховски, Митко; Динев, Георги; Kolarov, Ivan; Mihovski, Mitko; Dinev, Georgi; Dimchev, Georgi Nikolov; Димчев, Георги НиколовДата:1995Резюме:Some investigation of the problems about the control of press tension in press junctions in axle-shaft of rolling stocks are presented. The waves of Stownly have been used to determine the state of contact surfaces from press junctions. The change in the waves diffusion rate trough the contact lager of the size of acting contact tensions ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Акустичен преобразувател за контрол на геометрични величини
Автор:Йорданов, Румен; Yordanov, RumenДата:1995Резюме:Measurement devices, based on the acoustic principle of transformation have such as simple and reliable construction, high precision and non-contact measurement, they are promising both for scientific researches and industrial applications. The subject of this study is the determination on the theoretical function of the transformation.Библиотека: