Заглавие:Ценообразуване и ефективност на продажбите на леки автомобили
Автор:Киров, Володя Иванов; Kirov, Volodya IvanovДата:1995Резюме:In the article have been analysed different methods of final price formulating of new car imported. An investigation is given of capital factors having any influence on price calculating. The conditions of car trade efficiency have been formulated.Библиотека:
Заглавие:Проучване на пазара на леки автомобили в България
Автор:Киров, Володя Иванов; Kirov, Volodya IvanovДата:1995Резюме:The social and politic changes in Bulgaria during the past few years have tended to considerable changes of foreign trade relations including the structure of car import. In this study is made an analysis of number of car sold and a draft of the tendencies for a 3-years period is also given. A conclusion is made about the market presentation ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Критерии за оценка на ефективността на подготовка на авиационната техника за полети
Автор:Петров, Стефан Атанасов; Petrov, Stefan AtanasovДата:1995Резюме:The average tune for flawless work is the basis of number of criteria used for flight preparation of aircraft. Defining it, it is assumed that the main part of failures that occur are unexpected, i.e., the exponential law hypothesis for flawless work is assumed. The analysis of aircraft construction and power plant failures occurring in ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Върху някои аспекти на математическото моделиране на двигателите с вътрешно горене
Автор:Симеонов, Емил Цанев; Ле Хонг Фъонг; Simeonov, Emil Tsanev; Le Hong PhuongДата:1995Резюме:Mathematical modelling of complex system like modern internal combustion engines by correlating engine inputs and outputs through regression models can be effected by means of a global function for the entire range of engine torques and speed or by fitting local function to the measurements of the outputs in each separate operating point. ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Резултати от изследването на износването на буталцата на горивонагнетателната помпа
Автор:То Дък Лонг; To Duc LongДата:1995Резюме:The wear patterns of 1015 plungers of varions makes of injection pumps for diesel engines have been investigated. The characteristics wear zones have been aefined. The statistical data provided estimates of the parameters of the distribution functions for the wigth and the length of the different wear zones and their average length, the ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Влияние на износването на помпените елементи върху скоростната характеристика и характеристиката на подаване на горивото на горивонагнетателната помпа
Автор:Джонев, Георги Борисов; То Дък Лонг; To Duc Long; Dzhonev, Georgi BorisovДата:1995Резюме:In this article is made an investigation of the relationship between wear of fuel pressure pump elements and characteristics of diesel engine and fuel injection pump itself A model is proposed for evaluation of variation of fuel injected. It permits to determine the limit of fuel pressure drop down and unusable condition of pump elements.Библиотека:
Заглавие:Разработване на детерминиран математически модел за автомобилно движение през кръстовище, регулирано със светофар
Автор:Диалло, Мамаду; Diallo, MamaduДата:1995Резюме:In this paper are the results of a study of the motion on vehicless at jonctions and their uniform movement inbetveen jonctions. The model allow the describe of the decomposition of the group of vehicles in the course of time/space and calculate the time of the preliminary switching of the green light for the withdrawal of the vehicles that ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Оптимизиране дефазирането на светлинните сигнали при координирано светлинно сигнално регулиране
Автор:Ангелов, Ангел Петков; Диалло, Мамаду; Тодоров, Цветан; Angelov, Angel Petkov; Diallo, Mamadu; Tododrov, TsvetanДата:1995Резюме:This article present a mathematical method for optimising the coordinated traffic signals. It takes into account the speeds of each vehicle and the probabilities according to the law of their distribution into separate groups and the distance between the junctions.Библиотека:
Заглавие:Методика за определяне на загубите при течението на газа в елементите на центростремителна турбина на турбокомпресори
Автор:Иванов, Владимир Костов; Панчаревски, ГеоргиДата:1995Резюме:The paper presents a method for theoretical calculation the losses when thenex-haust gasses from DICE (Diesel Internal Combustion Engine) with supercharging flows through the elements of TChT (Turbocharger's Turbine). The method are tested experimentally on the TChT type "Holset 3LD" mounted on DICE "Perkins 3900"and TChT type "Holset B4A" ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Регулатор с обратно действие за ъгъла на изпреварване на впръскването
Автор:Калайджиев, Христо Георгиев; Анастасов, Костадин; Kalajdzhiev, Hristo Georgiev; Atanasov, KostadinДата:1995Резюме:The construction and the work of an injection timing device with negative curve are described. A comparision between the serial and the new centrifugal device was made.Библиотека:
Заглавие:Влияние на дизеловата горивна апаратура и горивния процес върху екологичните параметри на двигателя
Автор:Калайджиев, Христо Георгиев; Цаловски, Христо; Kalajdzhiev, Hristo Georgiev; Tsalovski, HristoДата:1995Резюме:In the paper are given the results from tests of a serial diesel engine and its new modifications. The priorities of the new in the basic speed and load working range are underlined, It was paid attention on working conditions with small speed and no load conditions (idle). Anew curve for automatic change of the dynamic injection timing was suggested.Библиотека:
Заглавие:Изследвания за използване на водорода като моторно гориво
Автор:Петков, Петко Стоянов; Богословов, Емил; Bogoslovov, Emil; Petkov, Petko StoyanovДата:1995Резюме:A great number of investigations are done on the use of hydrogen for motor oil. Its priorities are not only ecological but it shows high energy indices. A major disadvantage of this kind of fuel oil is the high production cost. Detonation stability of hydrogen-air working matures are studied The combustible process as well as the influence ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Оценка ефективността на системата за автоматично управление на въздушното движение
Автор:Заяков, Веселин; Маджаров, Борис Иванов; Zayakov, Veseliv; Madzharov, Boris IvanovДата:1995Резюме:The subject of paper is assessment of the automatic system for air traffic control in accordance with criteria of flight safety, effectiveness . of control with definite flow of air traffic intensity and acceptable standards of economical effectiveness.Библиотека:
Заглавие:Организация и структура на авиационното обучение и квалификация в съответствие с европейските норми за лицензиране
Автор:Маджаров, Борис Иванов; Madzharov, Boris IvanovДата:1995Резюме:The subject of paper is structure of integrated course and qualification modules for aeronautical graduate education and postgraduate qualification in accordance with European Conference of Civil Aviation (ECAC). Organisation and structure of integrated course determine recognition in European region.Библиотека:
Заглавие:Пракическо обучение на електроинженерите по „Техническо документиране“
Автор:Димитрова, Румяна Любомирова; Трифонов, Никола Николов; Lyubomirova, Rumyana Dimitrova; Trifonov, Nicola NikolovДата:1995Резюме:The practical training in discipline 'Technical documentation" jar the students of the Electrotechnical faculty of the Technical University of Sofia is considered. The given individual tasks are analysed. The students work is described — in the process of classes and individually — in consecutively complication and extension of the type and ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Производствената практика на студентите като компонента на учебния процес
Автор:Попова, Юлия Борисова; Popova, Yuliya BorisovaДата:1995Резюме:The practical activity of the students as immediate participants in the manufacturing process in the industrial enterprises has an unquestionable importance for building up future specialists and to a certain extent it supports the knowledge assimilation lectured in the University. That's why it's necessary that activity to be lawful agreed. ...Библиотека: