Заглавие:Calculation of transient processes in power transformers
Автор:Vichev, Stanimir Trifonov; Tagarov, Kiril D.; Вичев, Станимир Трифонов; Тагаров, Кирил Д.Дата:1995Резюме:In this paper are shown computational results a transient swith on phenomena in a traction transformer at open-circuit conditions. These results are compared with experimental results from a series of experiments, conducted in Bulgaria. The good agreement be-tween them made it possible to perform additional computational research that could ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Определяне на токовете в несиметричен кафезен ротор последством симетрични съставки
Автор:Божилов, Ганчо Йорданов; Младенов, Валери Марков; Иванов, Кънчо Панайотов; Ivanov, Kantcho Panayotov; Bozhilov, Gancho Yordanov; Mladenov, Valeri MarkovДата:1995Резюме:In this paper an asymmetric state in a cage rotor using symetrical components method is considered. Many cases of asymmetry namely brakings, finite changes of resistances of bars are investigated. Determining of syrnetrical components is done based on set of equations with order much less than number of phases of rotor. A method for finding ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Определяне на токовете при несиметрия в кафезен ротор на асинхронен двигател посредством разсиметриращ генератор
Автор:Божилов, Ганчо Йорданов; Иванов, Кънчо Панайотов; Младенов, Валери Марков; Bozhilov, Gancho Yordanov; Ivanov, Kantcho Panayotov; Mladenov, Valeri MarkovДата:1995Резюме:In this paper a state of the currents in asymmetric cage rotors of asynhronous motors is examined. The most common case of asymmetry nattily braking of rotor bar or existance of finite changes of its resistance is considered. A method is proposed based on super-position principle. This method allows the analysis of multiphase asymmetrical ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Regulation of the electric field in the main insulation of power transformers
Автор:Mavrodiev, Alexandar Atanasov; Мавродиев, Aлександър АтанасовДата:1995Резюме:The problem of the electric field in the main insulation of power transformers has been considered. An example with regulation of the field of a EMPY 8330 (10500) / 110 transformer by changing the material, the shape and the position of the construction elements of the main insulation is given. The results obtained from the analysis are discussed.Библиотека:
Заглавие:Effect of the radius of rounding of the shielded rings and the angular insulation washers on the electric field in the main insulation of high voltage power transformers
Автор:Genov, Stefan Yordanov; Mavrodiev, Alexandar Atanasov; Florov, Petar; Генов, Стефан Йорданов; Мавродиев, Александър Атанасов; Флоров, ПетърДата:1995Резюме:The problem of the effect of the radius of rounding of the shielded rings and the angular insulation washers on the electric field in the main insulation of high voltage power transformers has been considered. An example with a TM 30000/110 transformer is given. The electric field has been analysed by finite element method. The results from ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Методът на крайните елементи в електротехниката
Автор:Соколов, Емил Радулов; Sokolov, Emil RadulovДата:1995Резюме:The modern state of art of the finite element method for investigation and design of electromagnetic devices is presented.Библиотека:
Заглавие:Contribution to the diagnostics of a turbocharged diesel engine
Автор:Doleishi, B.; Evtimov, T. P.; Долейши, Б.; Евтимов, Т. П.Дата:1995Резюме:The paper deals with dismantled diagnostics of the power of turbocharged Diesel engine. For the purpose of diagnostics the transition process of the engine is described by an extended mathematical model that takes into account also the influence of volumes of suction and exhaust piping. The results obtained by this improved model are close ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Работа на ДВГ с растителни масла
Автор:Димитров, Ангел Йорданов; Иванов, Здравко Динчев; Петров, Петър Георгиев; Dimitrov, Angel Yordanov; Ivanov, Zdravko Dimchev; Petrov, Petar GeorgievДата:1995Резюме:The use if plant oils for internal combustion engine operation is alternative for the nearest fears. Their production is relevant to some ecological effect. For now there are some test results for radish and soya oils. At Transport Technic and Technology comparative functional tests have been performed on the engine D3900 with mixtures of ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Tolerance analysis of linear fields using the finite element method in interval form
Автор:Kolev, Lyubomir Varadinov; Колев, Любомир Варадинов; Ненов, Иво П.; Димитров, Мартин рец.Дата:1998Резюме:The problem of tolerance analysis of technical devices described by linear partial equations is considered. A new approach to solving this problem is suggested which is based on an appropriate interval representation of the finite element method. Three methods for implementing the new approach are presented and discussed. It is shown that ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Изследване показателите на двигател ВАЗ2101 при работа с различни видове бензин и добавка на вода и метанол
Автор:Димитров, Ангел Йорданов; Трифонов, Трифон Анчев; Жечев, Славчо Стоянов; Калоянов, Живко Стойчев; Dimitrov, Angel Yordanov; Trifonov, Trifon Anchev; Kaloyanov, Zhivko StoichevДата:1995Резюме:Quantitative and qualitative evaluations have been obtained for the power, economic and toxic characteristics of engine WA 2210,1, as Pr the cylinder hub thermal state for working deem& gasoline and we and alcohol additive.Библиотека:
Заглавие:Избор на оптимална схема за дозиране в автомобилните дизелови двигатели, работещи с двойно гориво
Автор:Жечев, Славчо Стоянов; Димитров, Ангел Йорданов; Дянков, Дянко Байчев; Zhechev, Slavcho Stoyanov; Dimitrov, Angel Yordanov; Dyankov, Dyanko BaychevДата:1995Резюме:The advantages and the shortcomings of double fuel successive and parallel dousing scheme have been analysed, as well as which of the two schemes to apply depending on the concentration of the gaseous fuel and the kind of speed regulator.Библиотека:
Заглавие:Челни врати за пътнически вагони с пневматично управление
Автор:Топалов, Стоян Георгиев; Христов, Христо Георгиев; Сотиров, Георги Христов; Topalov, Stoyan Georgiev; Hristov, Hristo Georgiev; Sotirov, Georgi HristovДата:1995Резюме:This paper describes design and control of new type end doors with pneumatic control for passenger coaches A72.Библиотека:
Заглавие:Анализ на механични конструкции при допълнителни ограничения
Автор:Илиев, Валентин; Iliev, ValentinДата:1995Резюме:The subject of paper is analysis of structures with additional displacement constraints. Conditions for existence and uniquness of solution are formulated. Method consisting of nonlinear programming method and finite element method is used to find solution of simple example.Библиотека:
Заглавие:Метод за топлинно изчисляване на ДВГ при частично натоварване и определяне на характеристиките му в целия работен диапазон
Автор:Димитров, Петър Иванов; Dimitrova, Petar IvanovДата:1995Резюме:A method is described for heating calculation of a vehicle's engine when partially working, having in mind the influence of all factors on the engine's features. The soft ware, developed on this basis, gives the opportunity for production of the features of the designed engine in its full range (including its multiparametre characteristics).Библиотека:
Заглавие:Изследване на възможностите за производство на вагонни оси у нас
Автор:Димитров, Жельо Харалампиев; Кирилов, Кирил; Дамянов, Борислав Александров; Dimitrov, Zheljo Haralampiev; Kirilov, Kiril; Damyanov, Borislav AlexandrovДата:1995Резюме:A study of the technical and technological capacities of some Bulgarian enterprises for production of railway wagons and passenger cars axes, conforming to the standards of the International Union of Railways, has been carried ow. Some summed up results and conclusions from the fulfilled physical and mechanical tests of railway wagons axes ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Отбивачно съоръжение за метровагони
Автор:Стоилов, Валери Малинов; Стоилов, Елка Николова; Дамянов, Борислав Александров; Stoilov, Valeri Malinov; Stoilova, Elka Nikolova; Damyanov, Borislav AlexandrovДата:1995Резюме:A modern buffer gear for Metro Cars, has been elaborated, which protects the
personal and the equipment be accident. It has been developed an the basic of hydraulic energy absorbing elements to take up the kinetic energy.Библиотека:
Заглавие:Метод за изпитване и експериментални резултати от изследването на усъвършенствана вагоноизхвъргачка
Автор:Цанчев, Георги Стоянов; Димитров, Слави Йорданов; Скендеров, Йордан Милорадов; Иванов, Александър Йорданов; Tsanchev, Georgi Stoyanov; Dimitrov, Slavi Yordanov; Skenderov, Jordan Miloradov; Ivanov, Alexandar YordanovДата:1995Резюме:The paper describes a method for experimental investigation on advanced derailing block. Presents are results from investigation of this device of the influence of various regimes on the load per axle, speed of vehicle and type of rail stock.Библиотека: