Заглавие:Object oriented neural network simulator
Автор:Лазарова-Мицева, Милена Кирилова; Lazarova, Milena Вж Mitseva-Lazarova, Milena Kirilova; Лазарова, Милена Вж Мицева-Лазарова, Милена Кирилова; Мицева-Лазарова, Милена Кирилова; Chochev, Cocho; Hachikyan, Agop Hachik rew.; Хачикян, Агоп Хачик рец.; Гочев, Гочо Вълев; Gochev, Gocho ValevДата:2005Резюме:An object-oriented neural network simulator is discussed in the paper. The simulator implements learning and recall processes in a feed-forward neural network trained using error backpropagation algorithm and a self-organizing Kohonen neural network trained by a competitive learning procedure. The simulator consists of a library of C++ ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Creation, development and analysis of models for e-education — technologies and techniques
Автор:Minkovska, Danieia Veleva; Минковска, Даниела Велева; Pavlova, Rayna rev.; Павлова, Райна рец.Дата:2005Резюме:This article examines the main concepts of E-learning and the possible technologies and techniques for creating and applying E-learning models in the education, subject to a pedagogically—information assessment. A brief overview and comparative analysis is made for some of the existing models for education.Библиотека:
Заглавие:По-нататъшно усъвършенстване на многодименсионния модел на база данни за интелигентни системи
Автор:Цанкова, Румяна Страшимирова; Tsankova, Rumyana Strashimirova; Павлова, Райна рец.Дата:2005Резюме:Abstract: The main information technics, used with multiaspects aggregations and hierarhical analises by decisions making are multidimensional databases and cubes (Data cubes). The paper proposed methods for discovery of inner and unknown hierarhical dependenses among the objects for the purposes of futher automatical creation of the ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:About an improvement of multidimensional database models
Автор:Tsankova, Rumyana Strashimirova; Цанкова, Румяна Страшимирова; Нейкова, Мила Р.; Neykova, Mila R.; Pavlova, RainaДата:2005Резюме:Multidimensional Databases are used to realize high level management processes. They are suitable for many aspects data analyses, data aggregation and decision making in OLAP management technology (On Line Analytical Processing). On the other hand they have serious disadvantage - high memory consumption. In the paper is presented improved ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Сензорна система за определяне на оптичен контраст
Автор:Джамийков, Тодор Стоянов; Маринов, Марин Беров; Dzhamiykov, Todor Stoyanov; Marinov, Marin Berov; Алексиев, Димитър рец.Дата:2005Резюме:Human eye reacts on the brightness of luminous objects. Nowadays integral sensors for measuring of contrast can not be found on the market. To determine the contrast between two surfaces usually, first, is measured the illumination in a point of each surface and, second, the contrast is calculated from the measured values. This conventional ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Начало на академичната информационна система – аСИС в условията на глобална мрежа
Автор:Станчев, Владимир Л.; Stanchev, Vladimir L.Дата:1995Резюме:The beginning in the year 1992 with working with internal computer network (UNIKOM B — national network including working with rented lines in the global networks such as BITNET, Internet etc.) provided the possibility for creation of academic information system — ASIS which works with distributed database for the teaching process — local ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Оценка на качеството на програмното осигуряване в микропроцесорните измервателни системи
Автор:Калчев, Иван Денчев; Kalchev, Ivan DenchevДата:1995Резюме:The errors of the software modules controlling the input/output channels of the microprocessor measuring systems are discussed. The formulation of 'minimal quantity of test data for evaluation of above errors is investigated. Both the information stability of the algorithms and the error source identification (hardware or software) are treated in this paper.Библиотека:
Заглавие:Object – oriented approach for designing the automated psychological questionnaires
Автор:Popandreeva, Aneliya Tsvetenova; Попадреева, Анелия ЦветановаДата:1995Резюме:Describes the peculiarity of the psychological questionnaire. Presents the algorithmic and the object-oriented approach for designing automotive psychological questionnaire.Библиотека:
Заглавие:Microprocessor device for testing the heuristic thought
Автор:Pandov, Evgeni Kostadinov; Пандов, Евгени КостадиновДата:1995Резюме:Presents the device for testing the mental functions. It is based over microprocessor family MC6800. The structure of the device is as the all - in - one microprocessor system.Библиотека:
Заглавие:Microprocessor device for testing the strategy of thinking during classification
Автор:Pandov, Evgeni Kostadinov; Пандов, Евгени КостадиновДата:1995Резюме:Classification is the general problem of the mind functions. For its testing is designed the device. The architecture is based on microprocessor family MC6800.Библиотека:
Заглавие:Анализ на производителността на някои матрични алгоритми за паралелни компютри
Автор:Егоров, Алексей Егорович; Egorov, Aleksey Egorovich; Николова, Нина Георгиева; Nikolova, Nina GeorgievaДата:1995Резюме:Algorithms for matrix computations are among the most widely used computational tools in science and engineering. Due to the recent trends in the design of computer architectures, scientific and engineering research is becoming increasingly dependent upon development and implementation of efficient parallel algorithms on modern high performance ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:A process simulation and information traffic investigation in digital network medium
Автор:Egorov, Aleksey Egorovich; Егоров, Алексей Егорович; Romanski, Radi Petrov; Романски, Ради ПетровДата:1995Резюме:The ISDN concept can be regarded as a unified approach to network development and service provision in meeting customer demands for both: transportation and application-oriented services and facilities. One of the ISDN facilities is to support LAN-ISDN interconnection and LAN-LAN communications. The paper discusses the architectural problems ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:An office system for trade – broking firms
Автор:Arnaudov, Dimo Dimitrov; Арнаудов, Димо Димитров; Noninska, Irina Stancheva; Нониска, Ирина СтанчеваДата:1995Резюме:The basic constructs of a model, accepted as a generalized tool for a metaconceptual schema design in an abstract area, have been described in a formalized way. By performing a comparative analysis with other models, It has been proved that the generalized model discussed, has definite advantages for semantic covering and interpretation of ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Формализиране на обобщено моделно средство за концептуално описание на данни
Автор:Арнаудов, Димо Димитров; Розева, Анна Георгиева; Arnaudov, Dimo Dimitrov; Rozeva, Anna GeorgievaДата:1995Резюме:The basic constructs of a model, accepted as a generalized tool for a metaconceptual schema design in an abstract area, have been described in a formalized way. By performing a comparative analysis with other models, It has been proved that the generalized model discussed, has definite advantages for semantic covering and interpretation of ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Нов алгоритъм за определяне на максималното изоморфно пресичане на два графа (MIIA)
Автор:Стойчев, Стойчо Димитров; Stoychev, Stoycho Dimitrov; Масух, Акрам Милад; Massuh, Akram MiladДата:1995Резюме:A new algorithm for defining the maximum isomorphic intersection of two graphs is described. This algorithm uses new algorithm (VSEPARN) for determination of the orbits of graph automorphism group.Библиотека:
Заглавие:Нов алгоритъм за определяне на изоморфното влагане на граф (SIA)
Автор:Стойчев, Стойчо Димитров; Масух, Акрам Милад; Stoychev, Stoycho Dimitrov; Massuh, Akram MiladДата:1995Резюме:A new algorithm for defining whether or not given graph is subgraph of another graph is described. This algorithm uses new algorithm (VSEPARN) for determination of the orbits of the graph automorphism group.Библиотека:
Заглавие:Разпознаване на символи с помощта на невронна мрежа
Автор:Гочев, Гочо Вълев; Gochev, Gocho Valev; Трифонов, Иван; Trifonov, Ivan; Шалявски, Цветан Митков; Shalyavski, Tsvetan Mitkov; Вучков, Иван Иванов; Vuchkov, Ivan IvanovДата:1995Резюме:A preliminary processing has been done on the input image. Each character in the image is being extracted and centered within an input field. The information from this field is then feeded to a neural network for recognition of the character. A two layer network of sigmoid neurons has been chosen. Backpropagation learning rule is used. To ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Предварителна обработка на изображения със символна информация
Автор:Гочев, Гочо Вълев; Gochev, Gocho Valev; Шалявски, Цветан Митков; Shalyavski, Tsvetan Mitkov; Трифонов, Иван; Trifonov, IvanДата:1995Резюме:A gray-scaled input image with high degree of noise is being processed. Symbols are not centered. The task is to separate the digits; to filter the noise and after that to center the symbols in a particular input field. Noise reduction is made. A binary threshold value is calculated. Heuristic. algorithms are used for improving the quality ...Библиотека:
Заглавие:Компютърно зрение и невронни мрежи
Автор:Гочев, Гочо Вълев; Gochev, Gocho ValevДата:1995Резюме:Computer vision and neural network problems are discussed. Computer vision information model is analyzed. Some author's methods and algorithms are used. The relationship between computer vision and neural network is examined.Библиотека:
Заглавие:Някои проблеми на оптималното проектиране на рекурсивни цифрови филтри.
Автор:Стефанова, Стела Атанасова; Stefanova, Stela AtanasovaДата:1995Резюме:This paper is dedicated to optimization design of one- and two- dimatianal HR digital filters. For purposes of this design are stated the following problems: — Simultaneous approximation of magnitude and group delay responses of 'IR digital filters. The stated vector optimization problem is solved by minimax criteria. — Approximation of ...Библиотека: