Тодоров, Михаил Дамянов; Todorov, Michael Damyanov; Генов, Юлиян Асенов; Genov, Joulian Asenov
Оценка на ергономичните качества на работното място на мотокар универсален високоповдигач с полуеластично окачване на силовия агрегат
Estimation of ergonomical qualities of the working place of a counterbalanced engine- driven fork-lift truck with a half-elastic suspension of an engine and a hydrodynamic transmitter
Proceedings of the Technical University – Sofia, 48(5), 1995 pp.75-82
Технически университет - София
0374-342X [issn]
мотокар; високоповдигач; полуеластично окачване; силовия агрегат
This paper is a continuation of the paper / //. In [ 11 is presented one mathematical model of a counterbalanced engine-driven fork-lift truck with half-elastic suspension of an engine and a hydrodynamic transmitter. This scheme is traditional for small trucks and it provides their optima! lengths. The engine with hydrotransmitter is directly connected with driving axle, which is bearing to the chassis of the truck. The back of the engine is suspended on two damping elements.
Съдържа формули и схеми. – Библиогр., с. 81.