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Георгиев, Божидар Стефанов; Georgiev, Bozhidar Stefanov; Георгиева, Адриана Анри; Georgieva, Adriana Anri
Ускоряване на навигацията в XML полуструктурирани документи с помощта нa апарата на линейната алгебра
Other Titles:
An acceleration of the navigation over XML semistructured documents by means of the linear algebra tools
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Proceedings of the Technical University – Sofia, 58(1), 2008, pp. 83-91
Технически университет - София
1311-0829 [issn]
Classical formalisms( relational algebra and calculus) cannot be directly used for XML tree document as query languages due to different underlying data models. An adequate theoretical mechanism is critical for creating a query languages that handle XML documents and is extremely important for their development and standardization. In this paper, the authors propose an algebraic formalism for navigation over XML source text, based on the linear algebra theory. Here are presented the advantages of this approach. The idea is compared to existing higherorder logic formalisms, where the queries are realized by both languages XSLT and XPath. The main goal of this article is to provide several modern linear algebra tools which directly work on the XML document through a direct access to the nodes of XML tree. The authors deeply feel that this direction of research is crucial to advance query languages design, development and their future embedding into practice.
Рец. доц. д-р Юлияна Георгиева. - Съдържа формули. – Библиогр., с. 91.