Кунчев, Румен Кирилов; Kunchev, Rumen Kirilov; Георгиева, Веска М.; Georgieva, Veska G.; Момчеджиков, Михаил Благоев рец.; Momchedzhikov, Mihail Blagoev rew.
Един подход при редуциране на шумове в ултразвукови медицински изображения
An approach for noise reduction in medical ultrasound images
PROCEEDINGS OF THE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY - SOFIA, 55, 2005 - Anniversary “Sixty Years Technical University - Sofia”, pp. 159-166
TU - Sofia
0374-342Х [issn]
изображения, медицински
In the paper was presented an approach for specific noise reduction in medical ultrasound images on the base of 2D Wavelet Packet Transformations. An analysis of their properties was made and an effective algorithm was treatment. Some parameters of the wavelet transformations are optimized with the goal to become maximal noise reduction and improve the quality of the diagnostic ultrasound images. Some results of the experiments are presented, which were made by computer simulation in MATLAB environment.
Рец. проф. д-р Михаил Момчеджиков. - С ил., формули и табл.