Илиев, Вася Б.; Момчеджиков, Михаил Благоев; Iliev, Vasya B.; Momchedzhikov, Mihail Blagoev; Кунчев, Румен Кирилов рец.; Kunchev, Rumen Kirilov rew.
Нелинейни ефекти при аналого-цифрово преобразуване на широкоспектърни сигнали
Nonlinear effects in analog to digital processing of spread spectrum signals
PROCEEDINGS OF THE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY - SOFIA, 55, 2005 - Anniversary “Sixty Years Technical University - Sofia”, pp. 147-157
TU - Sofia
0374-432Х [issn]
сигнали - математическо моделиране; Signals - mathematical expressions
This article analyzes the nonlinear effects generated in analog to digital processing of spread spectrum noise like signals. The spectral components are determinated in the analog to digital convertor’s output using the Rise method. Mathematical expressions represent the signals, harmonic and intermodulation components in the quantization device output. The relative amplitude dependence of these components from the relative level of this input signal process and the number of the quantization levels is showed graphically. The normal Gauss noise effect over the nonlinear effects is determinated.
Рец. проф. дтн Румен Кунчев. - С формули, диагр.