Момчеджиков, Михаил Благоев; Momchedzhikov, Mihail Blagoev; Йорданов, Николай Руменов; Yordanov, Nikolay Rumenov; Кунчев, Румен Кирилов рец.; Kunchev, Rumen Kirilov rew.
Транскодиране на стереосигнал в 5.1 пространствен звук
Upmixing from stereo to 5.1 surround sound
PROCEEDINGS OF THE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY - SOFIA, 55, 2005 - Anniversary “Sixty Years Technical University - Sofia”, pp. 117-124
TU - Sofia
0374-432Х [issn]
sound record
The recording in 5.1 surround sound is difficult and expensive process. The idea is that is much easier to create normal stereo mix and then expand it to 5.1 surround sound. In the next material the authors are described few ways for expanding stereo signal to 5.1 surround sound. Special program is made to give the user the flexibility to change the algorithm of upmixing. For more information visit http://upmix.hit.bg
Рец. проф. дтн Румен Кунчев. - С ил.