Kunchev, Rumen Kirilov; Кунчев, Румен Кирилов; Todorov, Vladimir; Тодоров, Владимир; Kuncheva, Rumyana; Momchedzhikov, Mihail Blagoev rew.; Момчеджиков, Михаил Благоев рец.
Method for audio watermarking based on spectrum pyramid
Метод за аудио водно маркиране на базата на спектрална пирамида
PROCEEDINGS OF THE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY - SOFIA, 55, 2005 - Anniversary “Sixty Years Technical University - Sofia”, pp. 95-105
TU - Sofia
0374-342Х [issn]
A new method for audio watermarking in the phase-frequency domain is presented, based on the Spectrum Pyramid, obtained using the Complex Hadamard Transform. The main
advantages of the method are the absence of quantization noise, the lower computational complexity and the ability for the audio contents owner and for the authorized distributors to insert different watermarks in the protected audio signal.
Рец. доц. д-р Михаил Момчеджиков. - С формули и ил.