Minkovska, Danieia Veleva; Минковска, Даниела Велева; Pavlova, Rayna rev.; Павлова, Райна рец.
Creation, development and analysis of models for e-education — technologies and techniques
Създаване, развитие и анализ на модели за електронно обучение - технологии и техники
PROCEEDINGS OF THE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY - SOFIA, 55, 2005 - Anniversary “Sixty Years Technical University - Sofia”, pp. 43-50
TU - Sofia
0374-432Х [issn]
This article examines the main concepts of E-learning and the possible technologies and techniques for creating and applying E-learning models in the education, subject to a pedagogically—information assessment. A brief overview and comparative analysis is made for some of the existing models for education.
Рец. доц. д-р Райна Павлова = Reviewer as. prof. Rayna Pavlova