Матева, Галя; Mateva, Galya
Първият сугестопедичен онлайн курс по бизнес английски
Техники и технологии в чуждоезиковото обучение и висшето образование, 2 (2), 2021, с. 70-81
Технически университет - София
2683-0876 [issn]
чуждоезикова сугестопедия, бизнес английски, синхронно обучение, асинхронно обучение; foreign language suggestopedia, Business English, synchronous learning, asynchronous learning
The analysis examines the first attempt at developing an online suggestopedic Business English course under the Covid-19 circumstances. For the purpose, the content of the „Work and Life Balance“ coursebook was restructured into four modules, two weeks each, with two 45 minute synchronous lessons per day. The synchronous format successfully applied the classical suggestopedic cycle of concert sessions, of reproductive and creative stages of work through continuous role play. In addition, an asynchronous system of communicative tasks was designed and put into practice. The triangulation of course observation, task portfolios and feedback from learners and teacher showed that the expected outcomes were achieved. They related to the enhanced linguistic and communicative results , to the relaxed, stress-free atmosphere and high team spirit and support in the group. More research will be needed to confirm and further increase the effectiveness of online and blended versions of suggestopedia, with special attention given to improving the technical aspects of the concert recital stage of the course.
Библиография, с.81