Славова, Весела; Slavova, Vessela
За някои аспекти на смесеното чуждоезиково обучение
Техники и технологии в чуждоезиковото обучение и висшето образование, 2(2), 2021, с. 91-106
Технически университет - София
2683-0876 [issn]
смесено обучение, образователен модел; blended, educational model
This study is focused on some aspects of blended foreign language teaching as a new educational model. It is related to the widespread implementation of distance learning during 2020 pandemic. Blended foreign language teaching is therefore the most chosen educational context. Many aspects of this “blended” educational practice have been discussed in the light of modern foreign language teaching realities. Blended learning, which is a mixture of different learning environments, has given learners and teachers a potential and nowadays necessary basis for more effective learning and teaching. Considering the implementation of blended learning in foreign language practice, there can be neither “perfect blend”, nor formula for "good" blended teaching. However, there are a number of important aspects that are essential to achieving an "effective" combination. It is crucial that different "components" of this teaching should complement each other. The discrepancy between them can lead to confusion and dissatisfaction for both learners and teachers, who must try to put the individual components together in order to achieve a learner-centered conception and an effective learning experience.
Библиография, с. 103-106