Василев, Мирослав; Vasilev, Miroslav
Оценка на качеството на млечни продукти посредством анализ на визуални изображения и на спектрални характеристики
Other Titles:
Assessment of the quality of dairy products by analysis of visual images and spectral characteristics
Date of Issue:
Тракийски университет - Факултет техника и технологии
млечни продукти; качество; визуални изображения; спектрален анализ; спектрални характеристики
Ensuring high-quality dairy products as well as the creation of automated systems and technologies with reduced energy costs is one of the European Union's priority policies. It has been reflected in a number of national and international standards and normative documents, European programs, directives and decisions. They cover the overall process of ensuring the quality of dairy products, raw materials production, safety assessment and storage. Controlling and managing this process is an important element of the food chain.
This dissertation focuses on the assessment of basic qualitative indicators of traditional white brined cheese and yellow cheese traditionally produced in Bulgaria under Bulgarian national standard (BNS) in storage under conditions other than those specified by the manufacturer.
Methods and tools for analysis and evaluation of basic characteristics of dairy products related to the appearance and visible properties, the composition and the distribution of different properties on the surface of the products are proposed and tested. They are based on an analysis of color images and spectral characteristics obtained with appropriate tools.
The object of the study is the samples of white brined cheese and yellow cheese produced under BNS. Preliminary studies aiming at determining the possibilities for separability of the object areas of the dairy products studied were used BNS samples and the manufacturer's own technology. Samples are purchased commercially.
The subject of the study is the change in the surface characteristics of the products when stored under conditions not in conformity with those specified by the manufacturer. Appropriate characteristics were assessed - changing the color characteristics of the three object areas during storage; appearance of areas with atypical coloring; Composition - separation of two types of areas - yellow cheese and mold, white brined cheese and mold; change of the visual and spectral characteristics of the two zones during storage; changing parameters that have been tested in a reference laboratory.
The main goal of the dissertation is to evaluate the comparability of the main properties of white brined cheeses and of cow's milk produced by different manufacturers derived from their color images and spectral characteristics.
As a result of the theoretical and empirical studies, analyzes and generalizations, the main goal and tasks of the dissertation were achieved. An assessment was made of the comparability of the main properties of white brine cheeses and of cow's milk produced by different manufacturers derived from their color images and spectral characteristics. Algorithms and tools for non-destructive, express, automated quality and safety assessment of investigational products based on visual images and spectral analysis were developed. The accuracy of the developed procedures is assessed. A comparative analysis of the results has been made.