Cenov, Georgi Cvetanov; Mladenov, Valeri markov; Ценов, Георги Цветанов; Младенов, Валери Марков
On some models of sigma - delta modulators
Относно някои модели на сигма - делта модулатори
Годишник на ТУ - София, Том 54, 2004, № 2. Автоматика и информатикар, с. 207-214
0374-342Х [issn]
модулация и модулатори; modulators
Several sigma-delta modulator analytical models are investigated in this paper. The basic model for a. first order modulator is developed by Candy in 1981. This model is extended to higher order and the investigations are consistent with the stability of the modulator. For asynchronous sigma-delta modulator analytical expression for the loop filter output that completes the required stability conditions is derived. For the synchronous case, derivations are made with the assumption of the statistics of the quantization error. For verOcation of the theoretical results various simulations for different order modulators are conducted.
Cenov, Georgi Cvetanov et al. On some models of sigma - delta modulators / Georgi Tzenov, Valeri Mladenov. (Electrical drives automation and theoretical engineering). // Том 54, 2004, № 2. Автоматика и информатика : Юбилейна научна сесия 30 години факултет “Автоматика“ ТУ–София, 28-29 октомври 2004 г. София, с. 207-214 : със сх., формули, диагр.
Рез. на бълг. и англ. ез.; С библиогр.