Романски, Ради Петров; Romanski, Radi Petrov
Сравнителен стохастичен анализ на паралелни процеси в матрични структури
A comparative stochastic analysis of parallel processes in matrix structures
Годишник на ТУ-София, Том 52, 2003, с. 85-95
0374-342Х [issn]
изчислителни системи; матрици – анализ и модели
The paper presents an investigation of two different process models for parallel computations, applicable to N-size matrix structures. A comparative analysis of systolic (synchronous) and dataflow (asynchronous) computations is made to determine some important characteristics (computation efficiency, communication loss of time, process granularity, etc.) on the base of the matrix size. The choice of stochastic approach depends on the nature of computer processes. An analytical model and its modification according to the two computational form are designed using queuing networks and Markov chains. Analytical results and numerical estimations are obtained.
Романски, Ради Петров. Сравнителен стохастичен анализ на паралелни процеси в матрични структури / Рец. Ангел Попов. (Информатика, Комуникации). // Том 52, 2003, с. 85-95 : със сх., формули, табл.