Dimitrov, Dimitаr C.; Велчев, Юлиян; Velchev, Yuliyan; Dimitrov, Dimitаr Tsv.; Димитров, Димитър Цв.
Distance analysis of EKG
Дистанционен анализ на ЕКГ
Годишник на ТУ-София, Том 52, 2003, с. 69-76
0374-342Х [issn]
диагностика, медицинска – автоматизация
24 — hour registering of the human heart activity is a well known in medical diagnostics. This is a very effective tool in the cardiology, on the base of application of Hotter - a portable device used for g of the electorocardiogram (ECG). Often it is necessary to record only 'cal events in the ECG signal. In this case the digital Holter must be do an analysis. This is very complicated task even if the device uses microprocessor unit. The other workable solution is to record ECG matter of pathological event presence. Then the analysis can be done PC. The introduced below digital Holter uses this method. The transfer al signals can be provided by GSM, telephone.
Dimitrov, Dimităr C. et al. Distance analysis of EKG / Dimiter Dimitrov, Yuliyan Velchev; Рец. Славчо Лишков. (Electronics and Automatics). // Том 52, 2003, с. 69-76 : със сх.