Калчева, Силвия; Kalcheva, Silvia
Екологично проучване на бентосни мекотели в защитена зона „Поморийско езеро“
Ecological study of benthic molluscs in Pomorie Lake Protected Area
екология; малакофауна; мекотели; Поморийско езеро
The dissertation focuses on the condition of the Malaccofauna in Pomorie Lake and its water composition, which is essential for the lake's sustainable management and preservation for future generations. The survey was conducted in the period 2015-2016. 12 taxa were established, 5 of them were reported for the first time in Pomorie Lake. The dissertation examines some basic physico-chemical indicators, the dynamics and biomass of molluscs and their distribution across the lake. This dissertation contribution is of methodical, scientific, scientific-applied and applied character.