Събев, Желязко; Sabev, Zhelyazko
Проучване на пролактин рецепторен (PRLR), ретинол-свързващ протеин 4 (RBP4) и простагландин-ендопероксид синтаза 2 (PTGS2) гените при свине като кандидат гени свързани с признаците на прасилото
Investigations on prolactin receptor (PRLR), retinol-binding protein 4 (RBP4) and prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 (PTGS2) genes in pigs as candidate genes for litter traits
свине; генотип; генетични маркери
The purpose of the thesis was to investigate the effects of PRLP, RBP4 and
PTGS2 as candidate gene markers and their impact on selection with regard to genetic
improvement of litter traits in Danube White and Landrace pigs. The study was
conduced with purebred Danube White and Landrace pigs bred in the pig farm at Khan
Asparuhovo, near Stara Zagora. The pigs genotyped for PCR-RFLP polymorphisms in
PRLP, RBP4 and loci PTGS2 included 77 sows, 54 replacement pigs, 12 boars from the
Danube White breed and 66 sows and 7 boars from Landrace breed. The frequency of
alleles and genotypes of PRLP, RBP4 and PTGS2 genes in both studied pigs breeds
were established and analysed. The effects of genotypes at loci associated with litter
traits in sows from both breeds and the results from phenotype test in sows from both
breeds were studied. The sire boar effect of genotypes at studied loci on litter traits of
Danube White sows was also analysed.