Georgiev, Canko Petrov; Ratkov, Alexandăr Borisov; Георгиев, Цанко Петров; Ратков, Александър Борисов
Aerobic treatment of manure : Part 1. Data analysis
Other Titles:
Bioengineering / Биоинженерство; Аеробна обработка на манюла : Част 1. Анализ на данни
Date of Issue:
Is Part of:
Годишник на ТУ-София. Том 54, 2004, № 2. Автоматика и информатика : Юбилейна научна сесия 30 години факултет “Автоматика“ ТУ–София, 28-29 октомври 2004 г. София, с. 125-134
Технически университет - София
1311-1311 [issn]
торове, животински – анализ и модели
Fed - batch fermentation process is used as an integrated approach for solving an ecological problem caused by manure. The same process may be applied for efficient production of L-lysine. This article deals with mentioned approach in two parts. Part one presents a statistical data analysis, which includes following main steps: experimental design of medium formulation; carrying out the desired experiment for medium formulation; ANOVA, regression and discriminant analyses of experimental results. Part two includes carrying out the fed - batch fermentation process for L-lysine production based on obtained medium composition and design of unstructured dynamic model for L-lysine production. The adequacy of the proposed model is proved through simulation researches'
Georgiev, Canko Petrov et al. Aerobic treatment of manure : Part 1. Data analysis / Tz. Georgiev, Al. Ratkov. (Bioengineering). // Том 54, 2004, № 2. Автоматика и информатика : Юбилейна научна сесия 30 години факултет “Автоматика“ ТУ–София, 28-29 октомври 2004 г. София, с. 125-134 : с диагр., формули, черт.
Рез. на бълг. и англ. ез.; С библиогр.