Kolev, Lyubomir Varadinov; Nenov, Ivo P.; Владов, Симеон Стоянов (рец.)
Solution of a problem for tolerance analysis of electrical circuits with a probalistic statement
Other Titles:
Решение на една задача за толерансен анализ на електрически вериги във вероятностна постановка; Mechanical and electrical engineering / Машиностроене, Електротехника
Date of Issue:
Is Part of:
Годишник на ТУ - София, 53, 2004, с. 183-190
Technical university - Sofia
0374-342X [issn]
електрически вериги – задачи; electrical circuits
Solution of a problem for tolerance analysis of electrical circuits with a probabilistic statement is presented. The problem parameters vary independently according to a normal distribution law, while the output is a scalar value. The original tolerance problem leads to two equivalent global optimization problems with constraints. Every optimization problem is extended by an inequality constraint describing the so-called hyper-ellipse of equal probability. Since the optimization model is practically impossible to solve by a global algorithm, an approach based on a local algorithm is used. The initial point for the latter is determined analytically after the worst-ease (WC) solution is fbund. The approach is compared to the traditional Monte Carlo OvIC) simulation through an illustrative numerical example.
Kolev, Ljubomir Varadinov et al. Solution of a problem for tolerance analysis of electrical circuits with a probalistic statement / Lubomir Kolev, Ivo Nenov; Рец. Симеон Владов. (Mechanical and electrical engineering). // Том 53, 2004, с. 183-190 : с черт., формули, сх.
Рез. на бълг. и англ. ез.; С библиогр.