Hristov, Valentin P.; Dimitrov, Dimitar; Момчеджиков, Михаил Благоев (рец.)
An approach for speeding up the transmission of medical diagnostic signals and data in the telemedical systems
Подход за повишаване скоростта на обмен на медицински диагностични сигнали и данни в системите за телемедицина; Informatics and Communications / Информатика, Комуникации
Годишник на ТУ - София, 53, 2004, с. 115-122
Technical university - Sofia
0374-342X [issn]
предаване на данни – приложение – в телемедицината
Recently medical diagnostic signals transmission and data in the telemedical systems is becoming more actual and important. These systems very often use Asynchronous Transfer Mode(ATM) as communication technology in order to ensure fast exchange of medical diagnostic signals and data in the conditions of teleconferencing and audio-visual connection. The aim of the present paper is to propose a new buffer management mechanism in the ATM switches -based on analyze of such management mechanisms, and developing a simulation model with the help of which efficiency to he evaluated in transferring medical images and data over ATM.
Hristov, Valentin P. et al. An approach for speeding up the transmission of medical diagnostic signals and data in the telemedical systems / Valentin Hristov, Dimiter Dimitrov; Рец. Михаил Момчеджиков. (Informatics and Communications). // Том 53, 2004, с. 115-122 : с черт., диагр.
Рез. на бълг. и англ. ез.; С библиогр.