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  • St. Paraskeva Church
    • St. Paraskeva Church - Western Facade
    • St. Paraskeva Church - side view of the arcade before the main entrance and the bell tower
    • St. Paraskeva Church - view from the altar - Eastern facade
    • St. Paraskeva Church - view from Southeast
    • St. Paraskeva Church - fragment from the Western facade - main entrance
    • St. Paraskeva Church - view of the entrance from Southwest
    • St. Paraskeva Church - dome
    • St. Paraskeva Church - view of the dome from Southeast
    • St. Paraskeva Church - window of the narthex
    • St. Paraskeva Church - window
    • View of a side narthex
    • Facade fragment
    • Facade fragment
    • Fragment of the bell tower dome
    • Triphora window above the entrance
    • Fragment from the central altar apse
    • Window of the altar apse
    • Door to the altar
    • Window
    • Wooden door
    • Stained glass windows
    • Pillar and stained glass fragment
    • Central entrance arch
    • Detail from the arcade capital - pigeon
    • Capital of the arcade pillars